Gordon-Smith, J.

The lymni orebody : an interim report / by J. Gordon-Smith. - Mavroli: Cyprus Sulphur and Copper Company limited, 1959. - 40 p. ; 33 cm.

The Lymni mine was first worked by the Phoenicians and later the Romans who produced approximately 70,000 tons of copper, smelted near the site. Neglect followed until interest in prospecting was revived at the time of the British Occupation. The ancient workings, backfilled with the low grade residue obtained from hand picking rich ore and partly caved, were drained and the body of ore, in situ and not in situ, was explored by shafts and adits. Further exploration by drilling took place and preparations were made to work the deposit by opencast methods. Stripping has presented fresh exposures for geological mapping, leading to a fuller understanding of the original orebody.

