First Indian Ocean Petroleum Seminar / proceedings of the Indian Ocean: First Regional Seminar on Petroleum Exploration Seychelles, 10-15th December 1990 ; sponsored by the United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development ; edited by Phillip S. Plummer. - Seychelles: United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, 1992. - 615 p. : maps, tables ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 36, 51, 61-62, 78, 128, 160, 173-175, 196-199, 218-219, 230-231, 251, 267, 278, 299, 316-317, 334-337, 349-350, 364, 405, 423-424, 440-441, 452-453, 481-483, 517, 529, 540, 585, 602).

The overall objective of the Seminar, as expressed in the UN Aide Memoir of June 1990, was to contribute to effective exploration and development of oil and gas resources in the western Indian Ocean region.

