A Review of the Otway Basin / compiled by M. A. Reynolds. - Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1971. - 69 p. : tables ; 25 cm. +13 plates + 1 chart. - Department of National Development : Bureau of Mineral Resources / N. H. Fisher. 134 : Geology and Geophysics .

Conduct plate 1: otway basin location map. Conduct plate 2: geological map. Otway basin and adjacent areas, Victoria and South Australia. Conduct plate 3A: stratigraphic and palynological correlations of otway basin -coastal section, wells levelled to base of tertiary. Conduct plate 3B: stratigraphic and palynological correlations of otway basin - inland section, wells levelled to base of tertiary succession. Conduct plate 4: lithofacies variations of pebble point formation. Conduct plate 5: lithofacies variations of unit Bc. Conduct plate 6: lithofacies variations of unit Bb. Conduct plate 7: subsurface structure - otway basin, two-way time contours on base Sherbrook group and Waarre formation. Conduct plate 8: seismic structure - otway basin, two-way isochrons of Sherbrook group and Waarre formation. Conduct plate 9: isochron map - otway basin, two-way time contours on base Wangerrip group. Conduct plate 10: isochron map-otway basin, two-way isochrons of Wangerrip group. Conduct plate 11: seismic structure -otway basin, two-way time contours on base Heytesbury group. Conduct chart 1: comparison of stratigraphic nomenclature from the otway basin.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 60-69).


Geology--Otway basin
