Bedinger, M. S.

Ground-water potential of the alluvium of the Arkansas river between Little Rock and Fort Smith, Arkansas / by M. S. Bedinger, L. F. Emmett and H. G. Jeffery. - Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1963. - iv, L29 p. : maps, tables ; 23 cm. +2 diagr. - Contributions to the hydrology of the United StatesChapter L Geological Survey Water-Supply PaperChapter L 1669 .

Prepared in cooperation with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Conduct diagr. 1: ground-water levels, Arkansas river stage at river mile 298, and precipitation at Paris, Arkansas. Conduct diagr. 2: areal extent and geologic sections of the alluvium along the Arkansas river between little rock and Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Includes bibliographical references (p. L28-L29).

Alluvium--Descriptive research
