Merewether, E. A. 1930-

Geology of the Knoxville and Delaware quadrangles, Johnson and Logan Counties and vicinity, Arkansas / by E. A. Merewether. - Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1971. - iii, B18 p. : maps, tables ; 29 cm. +2 diagr. + 2 maps. - 657 Geology of the Arkansas Valley Coal Field. 2Chapter B .

Prepared in cooperation with the Arkansas Geological Commission. Conduct diagr. 1: structural sections in knoxville and delaware quadrangles, johnson and logan counties and vicinity, Arkansas. Conduct diagr. 2: stratigraphic sections in or near knoxville and delaware quadrangles, johnson and logan counties and vicinity, Arkansas. Conduct map 1: geologic map of knoxville and delaware quadrangles, johnson and logan counties and vicinity, Arkansas. Conduct map 2: map showing structure contours, coal beds, and gas fields in knoxville and delaware quadrangles, johnson and logan counties and vicinity, Arkansas.

Includes bibliographical references (p. B17-B18).

Geology--Arkansas--Johnson County
Geology--Arkansas--Logan Counties
