Atlas of tidal elevation and current observations on the Northeast American Continental Shelf and Slope /
Atlas of tidal elevation and current observations on the Northeast American Continental Shelf and Slope /
by John A. Moody...[et al.].
- [Washington]: [United States Government Printing Office], [1984].
- iv, 122 p. : maps, tables ; 28 cm. +3 plates.
- 1611 .
Three folded plates in pocket. Conduct plate 1: Location of stations along the east coast of North America where tidal elevation and current observations were made. The data presented in this atlas are grouped into five major regions (Scotian Shelf, Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, Middle Atlantic Bight, and Oceanic), and seven minor regions (Northeast Channel, Bay of Fundy, Lydonia Canyon, Great South Channel, Nantucket Shoals, New England Shelf, and southern Mid-Atlantic Bight). The stations are listed alaphabetically in table 3, with instrument, analysis method, and data source. If two different station names have been used in the literature, then both are shown on this plate. The latitude and longitude of the stations, the depths of observations, and the tidal constants for elevation are listed in table 4. The tidal constants for current are listed in tables 5-9. Topography simplified from Uchupi (1968) and Canadian Hydrographic Service (1969b). Conduct plate 2: Vertical location of current observations by geographic region. The stations are organized from left to right in order of increasing water depth. Observations above the dotted line were used to draw the surface current maps (plates 9, 14, 15, 17, and 20). Observations below the short dashed line were used to construct the M2 bottom current map (plate 11). See plate 1 for lacations. Conduct plate 3: Time sequence of M2 sea-surface elevation contours and current vectors on the Continental Shelf at two-hour intervals. Sea-level depressions are indicated by tick marks. Current vectors are taken from ellipses in plate 10: a) 0hr, b) 2hr, c) 4hr, d) 6hr, e) 8hr, f) 10hr Greenwich.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 12-14).
Tidal currents--Atlantic Coast (North America)
Three folded plates in pocket. Conduct plate 1: Location of stations along the east coast of North America where tidal elevation and current observations were made. The data presented in this atlas are grouped into five major regions (Scotian Shelf, Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, Middle Atlantic Bight, and Oceanic), and seven minor regions (Northeast Channel, Bay of Fundy, Lydonia Canyon, Great South Channel, Nantucket Shoals, New England Shelf, and southern Mid-Atlantic Bight). The stations are listed alaphabetically in table 3, with instrument, analysis method, and data source. If two different station names have been used in the literature, then both are shown on this plate. The latitude and longitude of the stations, the depths of observations, and the tidal constants for elevation are listed in table 4. The tidal constants for current are listed in tables 5-9. Topography simplified from Uchupi (1968) and Canadian Hydrographic Service (1969b). Conduct plate 2: Vertical location of current observations by geographic region. The stations are organized from left to right in order of increasing water depth. Observations above the dotted line were used to draw the surface current maps (plates 9, 14, 15, 17, and 20). Observations below the short dashed line were used to construct the M2 bottom current map (plate 11). See plate 1 for lacations. Conduct plate 3: Time sequence of M2 sea-surface elevation contours and current vectors on the Continental Shelf at two-hour intervals. Sea-level depressions are indicated by tick marks. Current vectors are taken from ellipses in plate 10: a) 0hr, b) 2hr, c) 4hr, d) 6hr, e) 8hr, f) 10hr Greenwich.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 12-14).
Tidal currents--Atlantic Coast (North America)